
An Internship is a structured & supervised experience with an organization or company, designed to enrich and complement students’ academic program. 

  • Although students are encouraged to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours before engaging in an internship, an increasing number of opportunities are including students with Freshman status. 

The Cooperative Education Program allows a student who has completed 45 semester hours (G.P.A.: 3.0 or better) to alternate a semester of paid employment with a company related to the student's academic major with a similar period of study until the senior year. 

  • The student must complete a minimum of two work periods.
  • Internship Activity Process
    Students completing an internship should follow the steps below:

    EL graphic
  • Student Learning Outcomes

    At the completion of the internship/cooperative education, students will be able to:

     • Apply knowledge an articulate how work experiences enhanced their understanding and use of theories associated 
         with their course of study.

     • Articulate outcomes of their major and identify specific frameworks relevant to work situations.

     • Demonstrate an understanding of the organizations’/companies’ mission and effectively contribute to the 
         achievement of the mission.

     • Demonstrate and articulate new knowledge and new skills developed through examples. 

     • Demonstrate effective communication skills in performing duties. 

  • Evaluation
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