Intensive English Language Program

If you are an international student looking to improve your English skills in order to succeed in American schools and workplaces, you have come to the right place. Welcome to IELP!

Claflin University provides a twelve-month, research-based Intensive English Language Program (IELP) for students whose native languages are not English. The goal of this program is to enable students to improve their English language proficiency rapidly and effectively, so that they can move on to study one of Claflin’s 36 academic majors, and to help them adjust to American classroom cultures and university environments. 

The English Conversation Partners Program

The English Conversation Partners (ECP) program is a supplement to the IELP, giving you more opportunities to practice what you learn in class. Specifically, the ECP program matches you, as an IELP student, to an American student from Claflin’s Department of English and Foreign Languages. Your American partner will share his or her own culture and experiences with you, and in turn, you will teach them about your home country and culture.

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