
The Mathematics program provides comprehensive preparation to students planning to enter graduate school to earn M.S. or PhD degree and seek a teaching position in K-12 system or higher education institution.


A schedule for students studying Mathematics will include the following coursework:

Freshman year: Principles of Chemistry, Discrete Mathematics, Calculus I & II

Sophomore year: Fundamentals of Programming, Linear Algebra, Principles of Physics I & II

Junior year: Introduction to Probability & Statistics I & II, Number Theory, Calculus III, Differential Equations, Vector Analysis

Senior year: Data Analysis, Complex Variables, Abstract Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Linear Programming, Senior Seminar, Numerical Methods, Real Analysis

Student Opportunities and Experience

The Mathematics and Computer Science Department provides mentoring to undergraduate students and facilitates presentations to provide undergraduates with opportunities to gain information on research experiences, internships and on exploring the graduate experience.

The department is a member of the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) Academic Alliance whose focus is on diversity particularly for women and girls and charged with bringing about institutional change in computing.

Claflin Academic Catalog

Courses & Requirements

View the academic catalog to see all courses and requirements.

2024-2026 Undergraduate Catalog  2021-2023 Undergraduate Catalog       2018-2020 Undergraduate Catalog   2015-2017 Undergraduate Catalog                                       
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