Claflin University Center for Social Justice


Mission Statement 

Claflin’s Center for Social Justice embodies a number of Claflin’s guiding principles, most importantly Commitment to Valuing People. At Claflin we value people by providing a safe, wholesome and healthy environment that fosters mutual respect, diversity, and inclusion.

Our Center aims

- to serve as a resource for all to unite, educate, and advocate against social injustices that impact our campus, as well as local, national, and global communities;

- to support and engage students, faculty, and staff to be transformational leaders in their communities;

- to develop innovative curriculum, encourage creative expression and thought, and cultivate programs that engage, affirm, and uplift those most impacted by systems of oppression; and

- to expand relationships and partnerships between the greater Orangeburg community, South Carolina, the United States of America, and the world. 

News Articles, Videos, and Social Media

"A Day of Reflection" 
A virtual memorial for the disproportionate number of African Americans killed while in the custody of or being pursued by law enforcement personnel.

Press release by President Warmack
The announcement of Claflin's new Center for Social Justice.

Center for Social Justice coming to Claflin University
News video and article from WLTX-19 Columbia about the new Center for Social Justice

For more information contact

Dr. Vanessa Harris


Interim Director, Claflin's Pathways From Prison Program
Academic Advisor/Coach/Assistant Professor of Education

phone: (803) 535-5370  

For more degree information visit our Center for Professional and Continuing Studies.
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