Claflin University Common Reader 2019

Claflin University is committed to Exemplary Educational Programs

Claflin University is committed to Exemplary Educational Programs.  
We believe that as you begin your journey at Claflin, one of the best ways to understand your purpose as a student is to read a common book, discuss it during orientation and apply what you learn to your life at Claflin University and beyond.  

This year we have selected The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas as our common reader text.  All new students who attend an Early Registration Day session will receive a complimentary copy.  All students are required to read the book before the Common Reader Discussion session that will be held during August New Student Orientation (week of August 10-August 16).   In addition to the common reader discussion you will continue to explore issues and themes across courses during First Year Experience programs.

The hate you give ❑ To create a more academic focus to New Student Orientation;
❑ To strengthen the academic community and create opportunities for intellectual engagement and depth in learning through carefully selected common readings that pose multiple or differing perspectives and questions, followed by theme-oriented academic and co-curricular activities throughout the year;
❑ To establish an intellectually stimulating environment that is both informal and structured, setting a tone for intellectual engagement among our new students; and
❑ To provide opportunities for an enhanced new student orientation that includes meaningful ways for the entire college community, including students, faculty, and staff, to participate in the program.


• How do you think Starr would define family?  How do you define family?  What do you think it will be like to join the Claflin family?
• Starr pledges to “Never Be Quiet”.  How can you use your voice to promote and advance social justice?
• Reflect on how you and your community discuss and address inequality.  If it isn’t addressed/discussed, reflect upon why and what you could do to promote meaningful discussion(s) on such topics.
• How realistic is the movie’s violence? What techniques do filmmakers use to create realistic violence as opposed to fantasy violence? Which has greater impact?
• How do the characters display courage and compassion through their words and actions? How do they demonstrate communication? Why are these important character strengths?
• Phones play a significant role in the story, both for communication and recording important events. How does Starr’s phone give her power in a situation where she otherwise wouldn’t have any? What do you think about how much time kids—and adults—are spending on devices?
• A rose garden is a recurring symbol throughout the novel.  Discuss the symbolism of the rose garden and how it contributes to the theme of the book.
• What was the most important part of the book for you?  Why?  Be prepared to provide details.


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