International Students

The application process for international students mirrors that of the process for domestic students, with a few notable exceptions.

If you are an international student seeking admission to Claflin University, you must meet all entrance requirements*. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you inquire about necessary tests at least one year in advance of your anticipated date of admission.

Apply Now

Download the application packet (PDF)

Important Deadlines

To apply to Claflin University, international students must submit application materials by:

  • March 1st for the fall semester
  • August 1st for the spring semester
  • February 1st for the summer term

Except in countries where English is the official language, you are required to show proficiency in oral and written expression by satisfactory achievement on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Test Systems (IELTS). Probationary admission may be granted to applicants who lack English proficiency; such students will be offered learning opportunities to study English before regular admission is granted. You will also be required to demonstrate an ability to meet the costs of your educational expenses while attending Claflin.

Admissions Process

The following must be completed before a decision regarding admission can be made:

  • A $65 application fee in U.S. Dollars should be sent in the form of a money order or certified check, made payable to Claflin University. Cash should not be sent.
  • You must submit official certificates and/or final secondary school records, university transcripts and mark sheets with official translations if the document is in another language. For evaluation, international applicants should send their transcripts to:

    World Education Services
    P.O. Box 5087
    Bowling Green Station
    New York, NY
  • We require official results from the SAT or ACT tests for regular degree-seeking students.
  • Scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Test Systems (IELTS) are required for applicants whose native language is not English. Once the application has been received, the Office of Admissions will inform the student whether he/she must take this test. For information on the test, applicants may write to:

    Test of English as a Foreign Language
    Educational Testing Service
    Box 899
    Princeton, New Jersey

Applicants must be prepared to sponsor themselves. Limited scholarships and/or financial aid are available for entering students from other countries. The I-20 form (Certificate of Eligibility) is not issued until the applicant has (1) been accepted by the Office of Admissions, and (2) submitted a financial statement indicating how fees will be paid while attending Claflin University.

Course Load Requirements

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security rules governing non-immigrant “F-1” foreign students state that if you are a person in this category, you will be required to pursue a full course of study. This means that as an undergraduate, you must register for a minimum of 12 credits. Any modification of this requirement that results in a course load of less than this minimum must be authorized by the Registrar. Failure to observe these requirements will cause you to be ineligible to receive the I-20 form to support your non-immigrant status.

Your application packet should be submitted via mail, fax or e-mail to:

Claflin University
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Pamela Crawford
400 Magnolia Street
Orangeburg, SC 29115
Office Number: (803) 535-5694
Fax Number: (803) 535-5385

* Under federal law, Claflin University is authorized to enroll non-immigrant alien students

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