Ashleigh's Addition

By: Asleigh N. Harriott
Aug 08, 2014
The Claflin Commons' opening was anticipated by everyone at the university. Upon its opening, students could not wait to move into this new building. Everyone was more than happy to be done with the temporary living arrangements that we all had been stuck with. Soon after moving on, the problems started to arise. Is this a building that generations of Claflin students can live in comfortably? The construction workers and maintenance men in and out of your room all day is a bit of an inconvenience. Hopefully, this will all stop sooner than later. Three washing machines and dryers for 100 people is a bit of a hassle. Having a rack for a closet isn't that pleasant. The random noises, the waiting 15 minutes for somewhat hot water is a bother. Are all of these issues worth the high quality finishes that the Commons has to offer? The Claflin Commons is a very good use of space as far as how many people they were able to fit in the residence hall, but was this space used wisely? I believe that the biggest problem that the Commons faces is the closet space or the lack there of. As a resident of the Commons, I literally had to utilize every single inch and corner of my room. This is what we signed up for, so we're stuck with it for now. On the other hand, improvements will definitely have to be made in the future for the Commons to live up to its full potential. It's a beautiful building, but a little small for students' accommodations. 
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