Commons filled with artists’ talent

By: Alexander Speid
Mar 28, 2016
Easels in art room with canvases on display
The Claflin Commons art show. (Panther photo by Alexander Speid)

The Claflin Commons hosted a Cali-bash art show that displayed put student talent on display.
The paintings are kept on easels the same as at an art gallery to give respect to the artists who worked hard on their paintings.
“I wanted to show my work on campus,” said artist Devina, “since typically not many people know much about the arts.”
“It took me three days nonstop to finish my piece.” said Khaliya, another participant in the art gallery. “I want to take every opportunity to show my work, even in a small get-together. I think it’s best to show what I can do.”
But this small gallery of art isn’t just for show.
Some show off their works with the interest of one day selling them. Business is very important to most artists and that involves having people remember your name through business cards or online info to keep in touch.
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