Greek Stroll-Off still a popular event

By: Anthony Stidam
Nov 18, 2015

Though Claflin University did not close this year’s homecoming with its annual Greek Step Show, the university still found a way to keep Greek life a part of the week with a Greek Stroll-off.

The participating organizations for the event were the members of Kappa Alpha Psi, Sigma Gamma Rho, Phi Beta Sigma, Alpha Kappa Alpha and Zeta Phi Beta.

Each of the groups came on stage performing three separate stroll for the fast, slow and old school round.

The male winners were the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi, while the female winners were the sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Both groups were awarded a $500 cash prize.

Alexis Joyner, a Claflin junior, said, “I love the Greeks on campus. My favorite has to be between the Kappas and the Omegas, I love their strolls.”

Nasia Singletary said, “My favorite Greeks on campus would have to be the men of Omega Psi Phi.”

Danielle Abraham said, “I won’t be attending the Greek stroll-off because I have to work, but if I was to go, it would be to see the Kappas.”

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