Panther Prowl: Claflin’s student organization fair

Sep 12, 2023

PLUS Positive, a women's empowerment and sisterhood group, participated in Panther Prowl. (Panther photo)


The Office of Student Engagement hosted its annual student organization fair, the Panther Prowl, in the SRC quad.

Panther Prowl is one of many events held to welcome students back to campus at the beginning of the school year. The fair acts as a brief introduction to some of what the university has to offer outside of the classroom setting.

Booths were set up around the quad, allowing student-centered organizations to represent themselves to many of their peers. Attendees could learn about their initiatives as well as where to find more information.

Not only can student engagement have a social benefit, but it can also give students skills to prepare them for the future.

“It made me less of an introvert,” Jasmine Brock said. Brock is a member of PLUS Positive, a women's empowerment and sisterhood group on campus.

Zamiya Griffin has also grown in her time as a member of PLUS. “It got me out of my comfort zone,” she said.

The event housed a variety of displays, including Claflin’s pep band and health and  community-based organizations like Mentally ME, P.P Gen Action and Friends of the Earth.

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