SENIOR PROFILE: Pj taking on his career

May 10, 2018

PROFILE tymiyah tyler
Preston Walker

As he gets ready for graduation, Pj studies and goes to his classes on his usual weekday.

He walks the Claflin campus in style. “Stunting” on campus in different fashions

speaks high volume of Pj. Pj constantly gives his peers different looks.

As some say, Pj is the new “wave.” He has a strong desire for fashion looks.

Preston Walker was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. He moved to Orangeburg when he started college at Claflin University in 2014.

The 22-year-old loves to play basketball, go shopping, travel with his LB’s (Line Brothers) and sleep.

For four years now, Pj has grown into the man he always wanted to be and has accomplished a

lot being at Claflin.

“I always wanted to attend a HBCU and Claflin University provided me with that opportunity.”

He has made a huge transition from high school and being here at Claflin.

Preston Walker admires Malcolm X. “He stood up for what he believed in. And he fought for equal rights and never cared what people thought. He was courageous and persevering.”

Walker has his career in line and is ready to take on the real world. Upon graduation, Pj has a

jump on his career working with Mayor Tecklenburg at the City of Charleston.

“Five years from now I see myself, career driven, married and with at least one child.”

Coming out as an Omega man his senior year was a blessing.

“I really enjoyed my senior year. My grades were excellent and I ‘turned’ up,” Pj said.


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