CALA-bash: Seniors win top prizes at Poetry Slam

Apr 09, 2018

2018 calabash stephen anderson

On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, guest artist Kris Johnson and his band play at Claflin University’s CALA-bash during the annual Poetry Slam. (Panther photo by Stephen Anderson)

Videos by Jasminn Dow:

1st place, Krista Bradley:


2nd place, Briana Williams:

Three seniors won the “And All That Jazz” Poetry Slam contest on Wednesday in Ministers’ Hall.

Krista Bradley won first place ($100 prize). Briana Williams won second ($50) and Jasminn Dow won third ($25).

“I'm shocked that I won a place because I didn't plan to perform. ... I came unprepared,” Dow said.

The contest had two rounds. Everyone who signed up competed in the first round.

“I write poetry but never did a spoken word contest,” said Logan Crosby-Chambers, first-round contestant.

The audience rated the contestants’ performance between 1 and 5. The top six with the highest score moved on to round two.

“I enjoyed everyone, even the people who didn't make it,” a student said.

The event was hosted by Mooody Black and the Johnson Jazz Band. Moody Black, a national spoken word champion, performed his poetry during intermission and said he loved Claflin and the effort to appreciate the spoken word.

“Where can I get a Claflin shirt? ... I love you all.”

2018 calabash poet moody black

Spoken word and visual artist Moody Black speaks to Claflin students about the truth behind poetry. (Panther photo by Aliya Byrd)

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