Student Art Showcase and Sale

By: Travon Tisdale
Apr 08, 2016
Larry Wells Jr Artwork
Panther photo by Travon Tisdale

Magnificent works of art were on display during the week of CALA-Bash, being viewed by many students, alumni, parents and children.
On April 7-8 at Claflin University's Arthur Rose Museum, seniors and other art majors were able to showcase the work and place their art for sale.
Walking into the museum, you were able to see a clear line of artwork copies. Each work had a price tag around $10.
Art hanging on the wall was a little higher. Those were the original pieces the students created.
The originals were around $135 or a little lower, depending on the material used to create the work of art.
"Coming to this event on Claflin's campus was refreshing. I got to experience culture on a different scale," one student said.
Davina Felder, senior art major, explained a few of her art pieces were created along with her senior project.
"Most of my senior project took all night in the art building to complete," she said.
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