News appears throughout the site, including the homepage, the news landing page and as individual news stories. A feed of recent news stories can be placed on pages.
Adding and Editing
From the Content drop down at the top, select News. To create a new news story, select the Create a news item button. To edit an existing one, click on the news item from the list.
Field Definitions
- Title: the title of the news story
- Content: the full news story
- Summary: a short summary of the news story
- Categories: categories associated with the news story
- Tags: tags associated with the news story
- Author: author of the news story
- Source name: source for a news story
- Source URL: link to the source of a news story
- Image: image of the news story that displays on featured news items
- News - list w/ title: template to show a list of recent news items with title
- News - detail (custom): template to show the news detail page
- News - feature: template to show a featured news item