Virtual Tour Slides


The Virtual Tour is an image gallery that allows for large photography and captions to introduce prospective students to the Claflin campus and experience. (This is meant as a placeholder until campus tour software can be purchased and implemented.) The ideal number of items for the tour is 15 items. Adhere to image guidelines for image sizes. The tour should be reviewed annually for updates.

Adding and Editing Virtual Tour Slides

From the Content drop down at the top, select Virtual Tour Slides. To create a new virtual tour slide, select the Create a Virtual Tour Slide button. To edit an existing one, click on the slide from the list.


  • Title: title to display on the slide
  • Description: full text to display on the slide, toggles when clicked
  • Short Description: short text to display on the slide, shown initially before clicked
  • Link: link URL for the slide
  • Image: image that displays on the slide


  • Virtual Tour Slider: template which displays the virtual tour slider
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