
Wireless Access

Claflin University offers wireless (Wi-Fi) service for free to Claflin University students, faculty, staff and guests of the University. We understand how important it is for you to have access to the internet at all times.

The CU-Guest wireless network should be used by campus guests only but wll not have access to any of Claflin University's resources including any Claflin publically available websites. However, it will have access to the entire Internet resources. (Configuring is not necessary)

The CU-Students wireless network should be used by currently enrolled students and can be accessed in any building on campus including the Residence Halls. (configuring is required)

Faculty and Staff employees of the University should access the CU-Staff wireless network to have full access to the network. The CU-Staff network is hidden and will only display after you have set it up on your device.

If you have difficulty configuring the wireless, please call 803-535-5SOS for assistance.

Instructions for your Operating System

Windows 8.1

A setup is not required for this version of windows. Try one of the following ways to log in along with your last working password:

  • Username: yourusername
  • Username: claflin\yourusername
  • Username: yourusername@claflin.edu

If you are still unable to log in, please call or stop by JST 128 for assistance.

Guest Wireless Access to Claflin University

Claflin University provides the CU-Guest wireless access and is intended for guests of the University. It is not intended for Students, Faculty or Staff accounts. Examples include but are not limited to conference attendees, alumni visiting campus, local news crews and guest lecturers. CU-Guest has access to the public Internet resources only.


  • View Available Wireless Networks and make sure you are connected to CU-Guest
  • CU-Guest is compatible with 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless cards
  • All buildings on campus have CU-Guest access
  • Restarting your computer can often fix connection problems
  • Ensure your wireless card drivers are up to date. Check with your wireless card manufacturer for the most updated drivers
  • Firewalls and Antivirus programs can block wireless traffic
  • CU-Guest, as any wireless connection, is not meant for large data downloads or high speed needs

If you continue to have problems our IT Helpdesk will be happy to assist you. They can be reached by calling 803-535-5SOS (5767).

Student Wireless Access

For all current students, Claflin University provides the CU-Students wireless network to allow students to gain access to all of the University resources required by students.

To have full access to the network you will need to setup your laptop or device to be able to access the CU-Students wireless network. The following are instructions for doing so:


  • If you can not access the Claflin website, be sure you are connected to the CU-Students wireless network
  • Sometimes restarting your computer can fix wireless connection problems
  • You must have a current Claflin University student login and password
  • Your account may be locked if you had more than 3 unsuccessful attempts, please wait 30 minutes and retry

If you still can not connect, you can bring your computer or device to the IT helpdesk in the James S. Thomas (JST) building, room 128. You may also call the helpdesk at 803-535-5SOS (5767).

Faculty/Staff Wireless Access

The University provides all Faculty/Staff with valid network user accounts with full access to the University resources through the CU-Staffwireless network. This network is not broadcasting the SSID so you may not see it listed in the listing of available wirless networks.

To connect to the CU-Staff wireless network

Select the instructions for your operating system from the Wireless link located on the left. Substitute CU-Staff in place of CU-Students. Note: The name CU-Staff is case sensitive and must match as typed here: CU-Staff


  • You will not see the CU-Staff wireless network because it is not being broadcasted
  • You will need to have a Faculty/Staff user account to access this network
  • Your account will lock after 3 unsucessful attempts, please wait 30 minutes for a timeout reset and re-try

If you continue to have problems, please bring your laptop or device to the IT Helpdesk located in the James S. Thomas (JST) building, room 128. You may also call the IT Helpdesk at 803-535-5SOS (5767).

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