Every ten years, all accredited colleges in the southern states must be reaffirmed to demonstrate that they continue to meet the accreditation standards of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Claflin University was first accredited by SACS in 1948. The next reaffirmation is 2021.
SACSCOC Decennial Reaffirmation Plan of Action
2018 Principles Of Accreditation
Resource Manual
SACSCOC Decennial Reaffirmation Steering Committee
1. Dr. Zia Hasan, chair
2. Dr. Bridget Dewees
3. Dr. Corey Amaker
4. Ikenna Ngwu
5. Dr. Mary Williams
6. Dr. Denver Malcom Key
7. Mr. Dillon Beckford
8. Registrar|
9. Dr. Mitali Wong
10. Dr. Peggy Ratliff
11. Dr. Donna Gough
12. Mrs. Marilyn Gibbs Drayton
13. Dr. Derrick Swinton
14. Dr. Ron Speights
15. Dr. Isiah McGee
16. Dr. Tara Saracina
17. Dr. Verlie Tisdale
18. Mr. Marcus Burgess
19. Mr. George Johnson
20. Ms. Ashley Schofield
21. Ms. Matisse Lee
22. Tylik Wells