Claflin University Marches to the Polls on Election Day

Nov 09, 2020

Claflin University students and President Dwaun J. Warmack led an Election Day “March to the Polls” on November 3, that culminated at the South Carolina State University polling station. The purpose of the march was to highlight the importance of voting and encourage other Orangeburg residents to vote. 
“It’s imperative for our students to exercise their constitutional right to vote,” Warmack said. “Our students are leading by example. This is their opportunity to let their voices be heard. Today is not a day off, but a day on.” 
According to Warmack, student organizations including the Claflin University Student Government Association and the NAACP have hosted virtual activities and events throughout the fall semester that focused on voter registration, voter education, and voter turnout. 
“Our message from the “March to the Polls” is your voice and votes matter,” said SGA President Marquel Sanders, who said this was his first election since becoming eligible to vote. “We hosted forums that provided the candidates an opportunity to share their platforms, but we also urged members of the campus community to research the candidates and the issues before going to the polls."
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