Oct 11, 2023

The Panther Pantry held its grand re-opening for the fall semester at SRC East residential hall on Thursday, September 14, 2023. The Office of Career Development, in collaboration with Educational Credit Management Organization (ECMC), will provide nutritional, non-perishable, and perishable food items free of charge to all Claflin students. 

The pantry distributed 12,113 perishable and non-perishable food items to more than 175 students who attended the grand opening.

Ashe Singleton, a senior early childhood administration major from Charleston, S.C., is excited about working in the pantry this semester. 

"I am happy to work in the pantry and to serve my community. It is truly a blessing to give back to my peers," Singleton said.

Tonyetta McDaniel, program coordinator for service learning and community service, said the Office of Career Development is grateful for the continued support of our community. 

"We strive to make a significant difference in the fight against hunger and food insecurity," McDaniel said. "By working with our corporate sponsor, ECMC, we can focus on lessening the burden for Claflin students so they can focus on their academics."

The Panther Pantry is open to all students on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. at the SRC East residential hall. For more information, please contact the Office of Career Development at (803) 535-5335. Follow weekly Panther Pantry updates via Claflin email.

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